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Climate change and urbanization – Background paper, prepared for 9th Asia Pacific Regional Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, Beijing, China, 2014


The background paper seeks to inform the position of the IFRC on the key priority areas of intervention in the coming years in the field of climate change and urbanization to ensure that future evolving risks are effectively integrated into resilience building activities.

The paper was prepared for 9th Asia Pacific Regional Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, Beijing, China, 2014.


The document outlines:

  1. Brief description of the background to this issue in the International Federation
  2. Current situation/activities of the National Societies in respect to the topic
  3. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats analysis from National societies on the issue
  4. Reflections and lessons learned
  5. Looking into the Future

Usage: Policy reference

Audience: National Society Leaders and Managers


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PAPE and Climate Smart Messages


The powerpoint presentation discusses about:

  • Resilience as an integrated approach
  • Relevance of climate change in urban DRR
  • PAPE and climate smart participatory approaches
  • PAPE approaches to communicating climate change


The presentation discusses about community participatory methods, making community risk reduction plan climate smart, etc.

Climate Change and PAPE design: When to talk about climate change?

  • Climate change is not always relevant to all urban contexts
  • Putting too much emphasis on climate change can lead to people attributing all their problems to climate change!
  • Even when climate change is an issue, it may not be appropriate to go into much detail
  • Participatory methods of PAPE approach are key

Usage: Guidance for implementation

Audience: National Society staff and volunteers

See also:


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Our World, Your Move! Adaptasi Perubahan Iklim untuk Palang Merah Remaja – Manual [Indonesian]


This climate change adaptation manual for Red Cross Youth aims to guide youth and volunteer members of the PMI on climate change and its impacts particularly towards vulnerable communities and their anticipation as well as adaptation.

Limitation: The manual is in Indonesian language only.

This manual is equipped with a flipchart in Indonesian language.



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Climate Change Adaptation Training | 5-8 April 2016 | Vangvieng, Laos

Climate Change is underlined in Lao Red Cross (LRC) Strategic Plan 2011-2015 as a “future trend” that LRC needs to take into consideration. The Strategic Plan notes that “Climate change, in particular, not only endangers lives and undermines livelihoods, but also threatens to exacerbate the gaps between rich and poor, and amplifies the inequities between women and men. In the region, emerging and other epidemic-prone diseases pose serious public health and economic threats to Lao.”
A key need identified is that “Lao Red Cross requires a stronger organization to meet new challenges in the coming years, like climate change adaptation, an increasing number of road accidents in the country, and new pandemics. There is a critical need to have trained and well-equipped emergency response teams throughout the country, and to strengthen partnerships at all levels to make communities stronger and more resilient in disaster preparedness and risk reduction”.


In September 2014, two staffs from the Lao Red Cross (from DM and Health departments) participated in the IFRC Southeast Asia Climate Change Master Training in Thailand. At the end of the training, they identified the following next steps to further take into consideration climate change issues within Lao RC programming:

  • Organize a national training on Climate Change in Lao PDR
  • Develop IEC materials on climate change
  • Integrate climate change issues within CBDRR/CBHD methodologies
  • Organize coordination  meetings with key partners (government, NGOs, PNS, etc.)


Following up to this, a national-level capacity-building on climate-smart programming training/workshop is organized in 5-8 April 2015 in Vang Vieng district, Vientiane province in Laos with following structure and objectives:

  • 3-day training to enhance the skills of LRC staffs on climate change issues, including:
    • key concepts and terminology;
    • impacts on weather patterns;
    • impacts on health;
    • ways to adapt to, and mitigate, climate change; and
    • ways to educate and communicate with communities.
  • 1-day workshop on tools development to integrate Climate Change issues within LRC tools and methodologies (including DM/DRR and Health)


Outcome documents:

Administrative documents:



Climate Change Training of Trainers (TOT) | 7-11 March 2016 | Yangon, Myanmar

Climate Change is considered as a cross-cutting issue that should be taken into consideration while implementing community-based activities in the field of Health, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), including the various thematic areas, phases and cross-cutting themes under DRR. In line with this, the Climate Change Training of Trainers was organized in Yangon, Myanmar, from 7-11 March 2016. 

See Concept Note | Agenda | Report | Content of Training (bottom of the page)


Climate change, DRR and Health

  MRCS Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction (CBDRR) Manual sets out that climate change adaptation (CCA) and community-based disaster risk reduction should be integrated to enhance aid effectiveness and reduce confusion for communities. In the context of increasing risks associated with the hydro-meteorological hazards and conditions related to climate variability and change, the rationale for integration of climate change into community programming is therefore to prepare the communities for any adverse effects climate change may have for their lives, health and livelihoods. In addition, it is very important to identify areas in on-going community-based DRR or health programs where efforts to address both climate change and environmental degradation can be combined to increase the overall resilience of communities, as they are often closely inter-linked drivers of risk and should not be addressed in isolation.
  There is ample evidence of the impact of climate change in various health issues, such as vector-borne diseases, water borne diseases, temperature related illnesses as well as effects of food and water shortages. For example, variation in climatic conditions, such as temperature, rainfall patterns and humidity, has a profound effect on the longevity of mosquitoes, on the development of malaria and dengue parasites in the mosquito and, subsequently, on their transmission. Indirectly, climate change could also have an effect by influencing environmental factors such as vegetation and availability of breeding sites. MRCS health programming will need to take into account such emerging trends.

                                                     Group activity


Maximum of 30 participants composed of around 20 staff from the DM and Health departments, and 10 volunteers

  • MRCS staff working for DM, Health, CSR or CC related programmes;
  • RCVs who can facilitate in connection with CC to community and RCVs;
  • Staff or RCVs who can work for MRCS at least 3 years continuously and are committed to MRCS;
  • Basic knowledge on CC and interested to study & disseminate to other;
  • Appropriate Education level (at least Matriculation or Graduate)
  • Experience in facilitating trainings; and
  • Representation of the States/Regions/ townships more affected by climate change

Overall, the participants were a mix of DRR and Health staff and volunteers. However, there might be a larger representation from DM/DRR department.

                                  Presentation during one of the sessions


  • to build additional capacities of already qualified and experienced facilitators and/or programme officers and/or Red Cross volunteers from the MRCS HQ and branches
  • to help them integrate climate change into regular MRCS programmes within a resilience-building context (and not as stand-alone CC initiatives).
  • to enhance existing facilitation capacities of the participants to help them effectively deliver key climate change-related messages using participatory and innovative approaches

Content of the training:

Main facilitation were held in English with direct/simultaneous translations to be provided during the sessions.  However, most of the power point presentations were in English.

  1. Basic Terminologies | see similar Powerpoint presentation | Session plan | Group Exercise
  2. Basics of Climate Science and its Humanitarian Consequences | see similar Powerpoint presentation | Session plan
  3. Building Resilient Communities in a Changing Climate through the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement | Powerpoint presentation | Session planResource: IFRC 30th Resolution 2007 | Climate Guide
  4. Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change, and Sustainable Development: Synergies and Overlaps
  5. Climate Change Adaptation and Climate Change Mitigation | see similar Powerpoint presentations and resources on Climate Change Adaptation | Powerpoint presentation on Climate Change Mitigation | Session plan on Climate Change Mitigation
  6. Early Warning Early Action and Use of Forecast Information across different Timescales | Powerpoint presentation in Burmese | Early Warning Translation in Burmese | Reference: Early warning early action learning guidebook and learning manual
  7. Health and Climate | Powerpoint presentation | Exercise
  8. Gender, Diversity and Climate | Powerpoint presentation
  9. Youth and Climate
  10. Communicating Climate Change:  Public Awareness, Education, and the Use of Various Information Platforms | Powerpoint presentation | Session Plan
  11. Climate Policy Engagements and Advocacy | see similar Powerpoint presentation | Session plan
  12. National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) | Powerpoint presentationNational Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPA) of Myanmar
  13. Climate Finance | Powerpoint presentation | Resources: Climate Finance in Asia | Gender and Climate Finance | Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2015 | Accessing Climate Finance | The Global Climate Finance Architecture | 10 Things to know about Climate Finance in 2015 | Green Climate Fund
  14. Climate Risk Assessment  | Powerpoint presentation | Resources: A quick guide on Climate Smart VCA to DRR | National CCA Plan: Myanmar’s National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) to Climate Change 2012 |Scientific information tables-Myanmar | Exercise: Secondary information sources
  15. Mainstreaming Climate Change into Programmes | Reference: Minimum Standards for local climate-smart disaster risk reductionExercise Minimum Standards on climate smart Disaster Risk Reduction
  16. Action planning | Powerpoint presentation | Questionnaire for individual plan | Session plan
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