Khammouane Province, Laos, 2015 Village life in Laos: A mother and daughter spend time together while a friend watches on. Photo taken during a Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction simulation. The exercises and drills focus on disaster preparedness and response at village level, ensuring communities are equipped with skills to activate emergency plans and save lives.

Within Southeast Asia, gender inequality remains great a challenge that negatively impacts human development and economic growth. It not only contributes to discrimination and exclusion from access to resources, public services, education, health care services and employment, and to gender-based violence but it also increases the vulnerability of women, girls, men and boys of certain groups.

IFRC recognizes the importance of incorporating a Gender and Diversity framework into all policies and programs because there is substantial evidence worldwide (and within the region) of its negative impacts on women, girls, boys and men when humanitarian assistance is not adequately sensitive to Gender or Diversity considerations.

Protecting and increasing Gender and Diversity equality is an integral part of IFRC’s goal to promote respect for diversity and human dignity, and to reduce intolerance, discrimination and social exclusion. When Gender and Diversity equality is actively promoted, it can positively transform and enhance individual lives as well as societies as a whole. By advancing Gender equality and embracing Diversity, the impact of many other humanitarian problems can be reduced.

The aim of the Southeast Asia Regional Gender and Diversity Network is to strengthen cooperation amongst Southeast Asia Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies so as to better address the challenges of Gender and Diversity inequality in Southeast Asia.

E-mail: Gender and Diversity Senior Officer, Christina Haneef at

Key Documents

TOR of Gender and Diversity Network
Southeast Asia Gender and Diversity Regional Network Updates June – December 2015
The document provides brief updates on gender and diversity activities in Southeast Asia to leaders, practitioners and national focal points.
Southeast Asia Regional Gender and Diversity Network Updates - June 2015
First Southeast Asia Regional Gender and Diversity Network Forum - Nov 2014
Southeast Asia Gender and Diversity Teleconference Powerpoint Presentation


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