Communication and Advocacy
In order to share the successes and challenges facing the IFRC and member National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, communication and advocacy are critical components to our work. From media relations, communication in emergencies and crisis communication to publications, social media, photography and film, the IFRC has a range of resources and tools available for both internal and external audiences.
The following page outlines specific areas of work that align under communication and advocacy, while also providing links to some of the key materials that can guide National Societies in their work.
Guiding Documents
- IFRC Disaster Risk Reduction: A Global Advocacy Guide
- IFRC Public Awareness and Public Education for Disaster Risk Reduction: A Guide (includes Annexes)
- IFRC Public Awareness and public education for Disaster Risk Reduction: Key Messages
- IFRC Public Awareness and public education for Disaster Risk Reduction: Key Messages – short version
Audio-visual storytelling workshop | 10-13 July 2017 | Metro Manila, the Philippines
10 July , 2017 8:00 am - 13 July , 2017 5:00 pm UTC+7Communicating with Disaster-Affected Communities (CDAC) Forum | 22-23 May 2017 | Bangkok, Thailand
22 May , 2017 - 23 May , 2017Community Engagement and Accountability training | 18-21 May | Bangkok
18 May , 2017 8:00 am - 21 May , 2017 5:00 pm UTC+7Myanmar Celebrates World Red Cross Day Ceremony as Union Level | 8 May 2017 | Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar
8 May , 2017 8:00 am - 5:00 pm UTC+7Viet Nam Red Cross Society celebrates World Red Cross Red Crescent Day
7 May , 2017
Communication and Advocacy online courses available on IFRC Learning Platform are:
As the world’s largest humanitarian network, a range of news and information is available daily online through our public website here.
For specific information on Asia Pacific, including the region of South-East Asia, please refer to the weblink here.
To access the Newswire, a weekly update for all communicators in National Societies worldwide on current events, disasters and crises, please click here.
Audio visuals: a range of multimedia content related to IFRC’s ongoing humanitarian work around the globe is available through the below channels:
» IFRC Newsroom
» Online photo library
» IFRC Flickr
» IFRC YouTube
For additional assistance or technical inquiries please contact us at av@ifrc.org.
- Brunei Red Crescent Society: Facebook
- Cambodia Red Cross Society: Facebook
- Lao Red Cross Society: Facebook | YouTube
- Palang Merah Indonesia (Indonesia Red Cross): Facebook | Twitter | YouTube
- Malaysia Red Crescent Society: Facebook
- Philippine Red Cross Society: Facebook | Twitter | YouTube
- Singapore Red Cross Society: Facebook | Twitter | YouTube
- Thailand Red Cross Society: Facebook | YouTube
- Cruz Velmeha de Timor Leste: Facebook
- Viet Nam Red Cross Society: Facebook
IFRC Asia Pacific: Twitter
- Community Safety and Resilience group at Facebook
- Southeast Asia Climate Masters group at Facebook
- Southeast Asia Pandemic and Public Health Emergency Preparedness group at Facebook
- Southeast Asia Youth Network (SEAYN) group at Facebook
e-mail Ms. Mirva Helenius, Communications Delegate, at mirva.helenius@ifrc.org
Stories from the Field
Cambodian Red Cross:
Lao Red Cross:
Indonesian Red Cross:
- Community Ownership in the Flow of Water – Indonesian Red Cross
- Planting Mitigation, Harvesting Coffee – Indonesian Red Cross
- Debunking Myths, Preventing Malaria – Indonesian Red Cross
- Building A Fortress of Mutual Assistance against Disaster – Indonesian Red Cross
- Avian Influenza Awareness Campaign – Indonesian Red Cross
- “Begins with Me”- Integrating DRR into School Education – Indonesian Red Cross
- Transitional Shelter – Bamboo Houses – Indonesian Red Cross
- Integrating Women into Community – Based Risk Reduction Projects in Indonesia – Indonesian Red Cross
Malaysian Red Crescent:
Myanmar Red Cross:
- Testimonies from the Field – Disaster risk reduction in Myanmar
- The Impact of Disaster Risk Reduction Field Session – Myanmar Red Cross
- Reaching Out to the New Generation – Myanmar Red Cross
- Reducing Risks and Mobilizing Government Support – Myanmar Red Cross
- Women Firefighters Help Build Safer Communities – Myanmar Red Cross
- Classroom Learning Empowers Students and Community – Myanmar Red Cross
Philippine Red Cross:
- How Communication can Save Lives in the Aftermath of Typhoon Bopha – Philippines Red Cross
- Stories of Change on Microenterprise Assistance
Singapore Red Cross:
- When First Aid Training Becomes Personal – Singapore Red Cross
- Befriending Mr. De Silva: Building Community Connectedness for Resilience in Singapore – Singapore Red Cross
Thai Red Cross:
Timor – Leste Red Cross:
Viet Nam Red Cross:
Document library - Communications and advocacy
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