This section contains resources under the key sectors for resilience building: disaster risk reduction and disaster management; health; water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH); shelter; and gender-based violence. 

Each topic comprises resources that highlight the importance on integrating gender and diversity within the different sectors, as well as resources that focus on approaches to mainstreaming and integration. Each section also contains guidelines and tools for the practical integration of gender and diversity within programmes and activities.

This section contains some important guiding documents both from IFRC, National Societies and external organisations to the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement that highlight the importance of gender and diversity-sensitive approaches to DRR/DM to ensure gender and diversity equality. Following this, there are some guidelines and tools that focus on specific areas of programming e.g. gender and diversity sensitive assessments, participatory rapid appraisal activities and check lists to ensure we are accountable to everyone during and after an emergency. Resources relating to inclusion of people with disabilities, the elderly and ethnic minorities highlight risk factors and important considerations to ensure during an emergency.

A practical guide to gender-sensitive for disaster management (2010)
Gender Issues in RCRC response to the tsunami
This document is a South-East Asia specific disaster risk reduction framework aimed at providing more specific guidance to National Societies.
Making Disaster Risk Reduction Gender-Sensitive - Policy and Practical Guidelines
Guide for Dealing with Gender Equality
Making Risky Environments Safer
Women, Girls, Boys and Men Different Needs - Equal Opportunities
Gender-Inclusive Disaster Risk Management
Integrating Gender in Climate Change Adaptation Proposals
Gender Responsive Disaster Risk Reduction
Equity and Inclusion in Disaster Risk Reduction: Building Resilience for All
This study was undertaken to assess the outcomes of the ‘Building Disaster Resilient Communities II’ project in Cambodia, funded by the European Commission Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Office (ECHO) and co-funded by Disaster Risk Reduction consortium members between April 2014 and December 2015. 
The study focuses on disaster management in Cambodia through a gender lens using Participation Action Research (PAR) methods to engage with local actors. It also includes a gender audit of key disaster risk reduction (DRR) guidelines, relevant policies and other key materials.
Gender and Diversity Sensitive Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (VCA)
Le Masson, V., Norton, A. & Wilkinson, E. (August 2015). Gender and Resilience. Working Paper. Overseas Development Institute (pp. 1-76)
This publication aims to shed some light on women’s capabilities to take leading roles in building disaster resilience. It features women as drivers of change in different socio-economic contexts, and under various gender conditions.
The publication includes case studies from 14 countries in Africa, Asia and Oceania. For each case study it looks at the initiative, its impact and results, the good practices, lessons learned and potential for replication.
A Pocket Guide to Gender and Diversity in Emergencies - Quality, Impact and Accountability
Gender and Diversity in Emergencies - Quick and Easy Steps for Accountability to Affected People
The purpose of this Community-Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) Field Practitioners’ Handbook is to help equip CBDM or CBDRM practitioners with theories and practical tools that can be applied in community work.
Community Based Gender Checklist Risk Assessment
Integrating gender concerns into the objectives and activities for disaster prevention, preparedness, response and recovery, based on national disaster risk management plans and OCHA’s minimum preparedness activities
Gender Strengthening Program IFAD Toolkit for Practitioners
The guidelines in this document aim to support National Societies in conducting Vulnerability and Capacity Assessments (VCA) and adapting the VCA process to their own countries. It provides a suggested path for conducting a VCA day-by-day in the field, and its expected outcomes.
VCA toolbox with reference sheets
Overview Tools for Gender Analysis
Gender and Disaster Management
Flood Early Warning Systems in Nepal - A Gendered Perspective
The Training Toolkit for Community Early Warning Systems is an operational manual that aims to strengthen early warning systems in a developing country context. It is targeted to National Societies and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) that are embarking on a journey either to strengthen existing CEWS efforts in a country or to create, from scratch, a community-driven EWS. Trainers are DRR/M programme, project and partner staff members who would be responsible to guide, support or evaluate EWS efforts in at-risk communities.
Flood Early Warning Systems in Nepal - A Gendered Perspective
Voices of Ethnic Minority Children - Participatory Video on Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change in Vietnam
Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Disaster Preparedness and Risk Reduction: Toolbox on Earthquakes for Community Work in Urban Contexts
How to Include Disability Issues in Disaster Management - following Floods in 2004 in Bangladesh
Disability Checklist for Emergency Response: Adapted from Disability Task Force
Manual on Disability Inclusive Community-Based Disaster Risk Management
Audio visual: Blind People and Disaster Risk Management
Voices of Ethnic Minority Children - Participatory Video on Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change in Vietnam
Protecting Older People in Emergencies: Good Practice Guide
Older People in Emergencies - Identifying and Reducing Risks
Older People in Disasters and Humanitarian Crises: Guidelines for Best Practices
Audiovisual: Older People and Disaster Risk Management
This document looks at urban risk reduction: examples of gender and diversity-based risks and vulnerabilities in urban areas; social and economic inequalities to consider in urban environments; migrants; disability; and examples of gender and diversity vulnerabilities in urban disaster response and recovery. The paper also looks at Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in terms of key issues of GBV during and after disasters, and key action points for addressing GBV in Disaster Risk Reduction/Disaster Management (DRR/DM).
Gender and diversity for urban resilience:

This section includes resources from community-based health to health in emergencies. It also focuses on specific areas of health that can lead to increased vulnerability during disasters if not adequately understood or addressed e.g. menstrual hygiene. There are many interactions between gender and the diversity that exists within communities and this is very evident when it comes to health during disasters. Resources under the HIV/Aids section of this page highlight these interactions e.g. AIDS and the elderly as well as the interactions between gender and HIV.

Integrating Gender and Diversity into Community Health - Guidance Note
Eliminating Health Inequities - Every Woman and Every Child Counts
Gender Marker Tip Sheet
Gender and Health in Disasters
Gender and HIV
Audio Visual: AIDS and the Impact on Older People
This document reviews the impact achieved by ‘Adam’s Love’, an integrated public–private sector web-based communications strategy launched by the Thai Red Cross AIDS Research Centre in September 2011. Specific objectives of the strategy included scaling-up early HIV testing and treatment, increasing HIV-related awareness and knowledge, and positively influencing attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours about HIV among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Thailand.
Menstrual Hygiene Matters: A Resource for Improving Menstrual Hygiene Around the World

This section contains resources on mainstreaming gender and diversity in shelter programmes as well as specific guidance on inclusive shelter for the elderly and people with disabilities.

Gender and Shelter
Guidance on Mainstreaming Gender and Diversity in Shelter Programmes
All Under One Roof - Disability-Inclusive Shelter And Settlements in Emergencies
Guidance on including older people in emergency shelter programmes
Guidelines for Creating Barrier-Free Emergency Shelters

Through addressing gender and diversity needs and understanding capacities throughout all the sectors under the ‘building resilience’ section of this resource library, we can work towards reducing and mitigating the impacts of disasters on the occurrence of gender-based violence. This section contains resources on violence prevention best practices and guides from the Canadian Red Cross, as well as guidelines for responding to gender –based violence. Case study video links from IFRC and UNHCR highlight good practice examples. The importance of looking at the interactions between gender and dimensions of diversity is highlighted through resources that look at disability inclusion in gender-based programming.

The study is designed to foster the recognition that gender-based violence (GBV) is a major feature of many conflicts and understanding its occurrence during disasters.

The research addresses three questions: 1. What characterizes GBV in disasters? 2. In what ways should legal and policy frameworks, including disaster risk management, be adapted to address GBV in disasters? 3. How should National Societies and other local actors address GBV in disasters, and what support do they need to fulfil their roles?
Guidelines for Integrating Gender-Based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Action: Reducing risk, promoting resilience and aiding recovery
This document summarises the recommendations and discussions from a workshop hosted by the Department for International Development (DFID) on 9 June 2014. The purpose of the workshop was to build consensus on what did and didn’t work to help prevent and respond to violence against women and girls in the Philippines after Typhoon Haiyan hit in November 2013.
This document provides an overview of gender-based violence (GBV) in Myanmar. It looks at progress in GBV programming and coordination and provides recommendations for action against GBV.
Myanmar Gender-based Violence (GBV). Frequently Asked Questions
Ten steps to creating safe environments: How organisations and communities can prevent, mitigate and respond to interpersonal violence
CRC IFRC Predictable Preventable
This guide provides standards and directions on how to carry out rapid needs assessment for Psychosocial Support (PSS) and Violence Prevention (VP) initiatives including child protection and sexual and gender-based violence.

In particular, this rapid assessment tool is designed to help gather data in an efficient and effective way to help inform integration of PSS and VP issues, as minimum standards, into the broader disaster management action plans in response to an emergency.
Audio visual: Ten steps to creating safe environments for children and youth
Programme Checklist_Thinking about the risk of sexual abuse and exploitation
Preventing Violence against Women and Girls through Male Engagement: Exploring a National Evaluation Framework
Building Capacity for Disability Inclusion in Gender-Based Violence Programming in Humanitarian Settings - A Toolkit for GBV Practitioners
Building Capacity for Disability Inclusion in Gender-Based Violence Programming in Humanitarian Settings
Toolkit on Eliminating Violence against Women and Girls with Disabilities In Fiji
Friendly Neighbourhoods
