The regional perspective

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies’ (IFRC) Disaster Law Programme seeks to reduce human vulnerability by promoting effective legal frameworks for disaster risk reduction and legal preparedness for disasters. It works in three main areas: collaboration with National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and other partners to offer technical assistance to governments on disaster law issues; building the capacity of National Societies and other stakeholders in disaster law and; dissemination, advocacy and research.

In Southeast Asia, disaster law is part of an integrated approach to strengthening community resilience. Our work is undertaken in close collaboration with initiatives relating to disaster risk reduction, disaster management, humanitarian diplomacy, advocacy, gender and diversity, and communications. Our approach seeks to build capacity and sustainability within National Societies, while contributing to national and regional law and policy processes.

    e-mail Asia-Pacific Disaster Law Coordinator, Gabrielle Emery, at

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    Guiding Documents

    The Handbook on Law and Disaster Risk Reduction - Disaster Law
    The checklist on law and disaster risk reduction 2015
    This document presents guidelines for the Domestic Facilitation and Regulation of International Disaster Relief and Initial Recovery Assistance (the IDRL Guidelines). The guidelines are a set of recommendations to governments on how to prepare their disaster laws and plans for the common regulatory problems in international disaster relief operations. They advise them as to the minimal quality standards they should insist upon in humanitarian assistance, as well as the kinds of legal facilities aid-providers need to do their work effectively.
    The Model Act is intended as a reference tool for voluntary use by disaster management officials and/or legislators who wish to develop domestic legislation, regulation, and/or procedures in their countries for managing potential future international disaster assistance.
    This report aims to support legislators, public administrators, disaster risk reduction (DRR) and development practitioners and advocates to prepare and implement effective disaster risk management (DRM) legal frameworks for their country’s needs, drawing on examples and experience from other countries.
    This report aims to support legislators, public administrators, disaster risk reduction (DRR) and development practitioners and advocates to prepare and implement effective disaster risk management (DRM) legal frameworks for their country’s needs, drawing on examples and experience from other countries. For this purpose, the report has looked at aspects of different countries’ legislation according to how it addresses relevant themes in the HFA, as well as issues identified by state parties and the International Movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent in a 2011 International Conference resolution.


    Disaster Law library

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