Community Engagement and Accountability
Community engagement, formerly known within the Red Cross Red Crescent as ‘beneficiary communication’, is about giving people a voice and empowering them to participate in their own recovery while also using the feedback from communities to improve humanitarian programming. Community engagement is a mix of both new and old technologies, from face-to-face communications and town hall meetings, to crowd mapping and SMS messaging. For more information, visit http://media.ifrc.org/ifrc/what-we-do/community-engagement/
Guiding Documents
- A Red Cross Red Crescent Guide to Community Engagement and Accountability (CEA) – Pilot version
- Community Engagement and Accountability toolkit
- Community engagement and accountability: Good practices from around the world (2017)
- Initial Rapid Assessment: Community Engagement and Accountability Sulawesi Earthquake and Tsunami
- Briefing Note: What is beneficiary communications?
- Beneficiary Communication and Accountability. A Responsibility Not a Choice: Lessons Learned and Recommendations
- Beneficiary Communications Review – April 2013
- Mainstreaming BC in IFRC
- Beneficiary Communication Regional Overview Ebola Operations
- Beneficiary Communications Evaluation Haiti Earthquake Operation 2011
- Beneficiary Communication Background paper for the workshop 2013
Case studies
- Case study: Integrating community engagement and accountability into disaster risk reduction activities of the Maternal, Newborn and Child Healthcare programme in rural Myanmar (Feb 2016)
- Case study: The role of beneficiary communications in building resilience
- Case study: Typhoon Bopha: How communication can save lives
- Case study: Indonesian Red Cross and beneficiary communications: the Sumatra earthquake
- Case study: Pakistan: Communicating with beneficiaries: a two-way dialogue
- Case study: Community engagement in Cash Transfer Programming
- Case study: Canadian Red Cross radio community engagement
- Case study: Cash Transfer Programming – stories from Kalay Township of Daw San Thida Tun, Daw Tin Oo, and U Pyar Gyi – Myanmar Red Cross
More resources
- Listening to the voice of beneficiaries from Indonesian Red Cross
- Community feedback booklet 2013 from Viet Nam Red Cross Society
- Cash Transfer Programming community engagement 2013 [Vietnamese only] from Viet Nam Red Cross Society
- Feedback form [Vietnamese and English] from Viet Nam Red Cross Society
- Rapid Assessment: Community Engagement and Accountability – Lombok Earthquakes Operation
- Reporting on Humanitarian Crises: A Manual for Trainers & Journalists and an Introduction for Humanitarian Workers
- Conflict Sensitive Reporting: A Toolbox for Journalists
- Reporting Atrocities: A Toolbox for Journalists Covering Violent Conflict and Atrocities
- Starting a Local Radio Station: A Manual for Afghanistan
- Teaching Radio Journalists to Report on HIV: A Manual for Trainers