
The overall purpose of this toolkit is to explain to practitioners: what participatory tools are available for rapid market-problem diagnosis, socio-economic and gender targeting and, for each tool, how to use it, how to analyse the information and how to use the findings in designing, implementing and evaluating projects.

This toolkit should be used in conjunction with the sourcebook.


The toolkit is divided into three parts:

  • Diagnostic study tool: It is divided into two parts: the first section provides hands-on practitioners with an overview of the factors to consider in planning and implementing participatory gender and market linkage diagnostic studies and the second section presents Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) tools designed for rapid diagnosis of: (a) village-level marketing issues; (b) poverty-targeting issues and (c) gender issues
  • Stakeholder workshop tool: it has two main sections: stakeholder analysis tools; and tools for problem identification and participatory planning. The latter section also spells out procedures for selecting focal area representatives in a democratic and equitable way.
  • Gender and poverty-sensitive monitoring and evaluation (M&E) tool: focuses primarily on tools for participatory impact assessment. It has two parts: The first section presents factors to consider in planning and implementing rapid impact assessments; and the second section presents the impact assessment tools and discusses how to use them.
  • Gender-sensitive PRA templates can be found in the ‘Attachments’ towards the end of the report.

Usage: Guidance for project implementation

Audiences: Technical staff

Reference: IFAD, Gender Strengthening Programme for Eastern and Southern Africa Division. (November 2002). Gender strengthening programme for eastern and southern Africa division: Toolkit for practitioners. Pp. 1-182. Available from: http://www.ifad.org/gender/tools/gender/Toolkit.pdf [Accessed: 20th September 2015].


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