
This video looks at the importance of Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (VCA). It presents a case study of VCA in the Mai Hoa commune in Vietnam. Mai Hoa suffers from flooding caused by climate change. The commune experienced floods in 2007 and 2013. The video looks at the experiences of people during these floods.


  • The role of VCA can be divided into three areas: helping vulnerable people such as the elderly, disabled, pregnant women and children to be heard; providing information to assist local authorities and the Vietnam Red Cross Society; and helping to make action plans created by local authorities more feasible.
  • During the floods many properties are lost because people are not prepared. VCA helps individuals, including the vulnerable, better prepare for, cope with and avoid some of these situations.
  • There are several tools that can be used in VCA. The mapping tool, for example, enables the identification of vulnerable areas as well as community capacity. During this process different group of people work together, their various needs are identified and the unique role that each person in the commune can play is also identified.

Usage: Training, Learning from experience

Limitation: In Vietnamese language with English subtitles

Audiences: Technical staff, Gender and diversity practitioners, Volunteers

Reference: Audio visual: Vietnam Red Cross (2015). Gender and Diversity Sensitive Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (VCA).


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