
This handbook offers real and practical guidance on identifying and addressing the differing needs and situations of women, girls, boys and men; in other words, being sensitive to gender issues in humanitarian crises.


The handbook is divided into two sections:

  • Section A: This section includes four chapters covering the core principles, mandates, definitions and frameworks for gender equality: Basics of gender in emergencies sets out the overarching framework of gender equality programming in humanitarian action. It defines terms and explains the relevance of gender equality in crisis situations; International Legal Framework for Protection provides information on mandates coming from human rights, humanitarian and refugee law; Coordination on Gender Equality in Emergencies describes the elements of effective coordination and the establishment of gender networks in emergencies; Participation in Humanitarian Action discusses the importance of ensuring the equal participation of women, girls, boys and men in all aspects of humanitarian action, provides participation standards and gives examples on “how to” participate in a crisis.
  • Section B: This section provides sector and cluster-specific guidance. It covers the following areas: camp coordination and camp management; education; food issues; health; livelihoods; non-food items; registration; shelter; water, sanitation and hygiene. Each chapter is divided into: gender analysis; actions; checklist; and resources.

Usage: Guidance for project implementation

Audiences: Technical staff; Gender and diversity practitioners

Reference: Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Gender Handbook in Humanitarian Action. (December 2006). Women, girls, boys and men: Different needs – equal opportunities. Pp. 1-113.                                        Available from: https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/system/files/documents/files/Gender%20Handbook.pdf [Accessed: 20th September 2015].


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