
This toolbox looks at different participatory investigative tools that can be used to accomplish a successful Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (VCA). It looks at what, specifically, is involved in undertaking research in VCA and the different information-gathering tools available.

The toolbox begins with a general discussion on the different research approaches and their usage. It also explores related issues such as participation, reliability, validity and bias, which have an impact on how the research can be carried out and the quality of the information it produces. It then looks at the tools that are appropriate to use in a VCA.


  • An overview of the different research processes, tools and methods involved in a VCA can be found on p. 17. It begins with Process Reference Sheets (PRS), which provide instruction on how to use specific processes when working with data, followed by a series of Research Reference Sheets (RRS), which guide users through the implementation of the different investigative tools. Lastly, a number of Methods Reference Sheets (MRS) outlines the different strategies and techniques for working with communities during meetings and workshops.
  • Throughout, the toolkit highlights gender and diversity considerations including: ‘Gender Awareness’ when carrying out a VCA (p. 25), gender in participatory evaluations (p. 33-35), gender considerations in research (p.49, 55 and 62), when carrying out focus group discussions (p.67-70)

Usage: Guidance for project implementation

Audiences: Technical staff


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