
This document provides a checklist for the response design phase of a programme to enable reflection on the risk of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA), and approaches for mitigating this. It also provides guidance on minimising harm linked to Red Cross presence through PSEA.


No staff or volunteers shall: commit any act of sexual exploitation, sexual abuse or sexual violence; engage in any sexual activity with persons (adult or child) that look to or benefit from assistance; exchange money, employment, goods or services for sex, or sexual favours; engage in any acts which could be considered harassment, abuse, discrimination or exploitation.

Managers’ responsibilities include ensuring all staff and volunteers are: aware of all people involved in project activities; are briefed on a staff and volunteer Code of Conduct and sign it; explain this code of conduct to others; and know their roles and responsibility as part of this. Managers should also inform beneficiaries and community members about: their right to be protected from abuse and exploitation by staff and volunteers; what conduct they can expect from staff and how to raise concerns; programme activities, entitlements and targeting processes. Finally, they should design and implement programmes through a PSEA lens and ensure community and staff reporting options are in place.

Usage: Guidance for project implementation

Audiences: Technical staff, Gender and diversity practitioners, Volunteers

Reference: British Red Cross (2013). Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) Emergency Programme Checklist and Quick Reminder for Managers, (pp. 1-2).


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