
In October 2013, White Ribbon began coordinating a National Community of Practice composed of organisations with projects funded by Status of Women Canada’s ‘Working Together: Engaging Communities To End Violence Against Women And Girls’. The Community of Practice focused on sharing lessons learned, challenges and enabling factors in engaging men and boys to help prevent gender-based violence.

One of the three main activities was the development of a National Evaluation Framework (NEF) to identify shared results across programmes and provide an evaluation resource tool for others in the gender-based violence prevention sector.


The process of change involved in engaging men and boys in GBV prevention includes three main elements: the context, the outcomes as they relate to the dimensions of change and the longer-term objective of sustainability (p. 10).

NEF measures change at four levels: the community, organisational, social and individual level.

In order to create sustainable change, capacity needs to be built at four levels: with individual men and boys; within male networks and relationships; the organisations that are committed to doing this work; and the community’s capacity to respond to and support GBV prevention initiatives.

Expected outcomes from the NEF include: awareness-raising; knowledge and understanding; attitudinal change; skill development; behavioural change; gender equitable peer interaction and support; partnerships and coalition building; advocacy for gender-based violence prevention.

Usage: Policy guidance

Audiences: Technical staff, Gender and diversity practitioners

Reference: National Community of Practice & White Ribbon Canada (2015). Preventing Violence against Women and Girls through Male Engagement: Exploring a National Evaluation Framework (pp. 1-20). Available at: http://whiteribbon.ca/pdfs/NEF_CoP.pdf [Accessed 8 January]


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