
This document offers technical guidance for disability-inclusive shelter and settlement support in emergencies. Developed by IFRC, Handicap International and CBM, it draws upon guidelines from these and other institutions, relevant national and international standards, and the expertise of practitioners.

It aims to be a key reference for planning and implementation of shelter and settlements projects to ensure fully inclusive humanitarian action.

It includes case studies from the Caribbean, Asia and Africa.


Some barriers that prevent participation and equal opportunities for people with disabilities include physical, informational, organisational barriers and attitudes or stigma.  Pre-existing barriers can be compounded by crisis, while other barriers are created by an emergency and can result in new disabilities.

A checklist on preparedness can be found on pp. 36-37; emergency response, pp. 50-51; early recovery, pp. 64-65; standards for settlements, pp. 82-83; standards for shelter, pp. 98-99; emergency items distribution, pp. 112-113; inclusive beneficiary communications, pp. 130-131; and assisted self-settlement, p.139; and cash and vouchers for people with disabilities, pp. 152-153.

Usage: Guidance for project implementation

Audiences: Technical staff


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