This brochure is part of the series ‘Together promoting safer neighbourhoods’ which consists of four booklets on seismic risk, developed within the framework of the ‘Strengthening capacities for preparedness and response to earthquakes in urban areas of Managua’s district IV’ (DIPECHO VI).It provides information that will serve to facilitate the participation of people with disabilities in community efforts on disaster risk reduction.


Persons with disabilities can be integrated into disaster preparedness activities by:

  • Integration into neighbourhood committees (COBAPRED): People with disabilities form part of the community, and their active participation will result in greater assurance that their needs are met.
  • Training: Trainings must be adapted so that they are accessible to everyone. The methodology must make necessary adjustments for different types of disabilities.
  • Risk and resource mapping: The involvement of people with disabilities in the development of the community risk map is important because they can help identify potential architectural barriers during a disaster situation.

Usage: Guidance for project implementation

Audiences: Technical staff


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