The regional perspective

National Society Development helps to extend the scale, quality, and impact of the work of the International Federation through designing and/or strengthening standards and systems for both National Society organizational development and capacity building.

Well-prepared National Societies
There are three phases to “becoming” a well prepared Red Cross or Red Crescent society. IFRC and SEARO have some analysis of our Well Prepared National Societies:

1. National Societies who have completed the Well Prepared National Societies form. These include: Cambodia Red Cross, Cruz Vermelha de Timor-Leste, Lao Red Cross, Myanmar Red Cross, Malaysia Red Crescent, Palang Merah Indonesia, Singapore Red Cross, Thai Red Cross, Viet Nam Red Cross and Philippine Red Cross.
2. A country analysis: Countries include Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Timor-Leste, Viet Nam and Thailand.
3. An example of a country that completed all three phases is the Philippines. Documents from Philippine Red Cross include:

Resources from National Societies

This policy (in Khmer and English) establishes the basis for the Cambodian Red Cross to ensure that the gender and diversity differences are taken into account and systematically addressed in relation to core areas as defined in CRC Strategy 2011 - 2020, such as disaster management, health and health care in the community, promotion of the movement’s fundamental principles and humanitarian values, and organizational development and resource development.
Cambodian Red Cross Strategy 2011-2020
Community Based Disaster Preparedness (CBDP) and Integrated Community Based Risk Reduction for the Volunteer Corps: A Training Module. First edition (2008
Training Manual: Mobilizing Communities - Community Based Disaster Preparedness
The training manual is prepared by the Cambodian Red Cross for the training of Red Cross Volunteers. The manual is a part of the Community-based disaster preparedness (CBDP) series.
Village Disaster Reduction Plan
CBDRR manual in Lao PDR
Lao contingency plan
CBDP Curriculum for the Volunteer Corps
CBDP curriculum for villages and communites
CBDP curriculum for trainers in Bahasa Indonesia
First Annual Review: Asia Pacific Standard Operating Procedures for Disaster Response and Early Recovery, Malaysia June 2011
Malaysia RC Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) from 2005
The Manual on Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction is a consolidation and harmonization of existing CBDRR methodologies, procedures, and practices of Myanmar Red Cross Society.
Myanmar Red Cross Society Multi-Hazards Contingency Plan 2010
Community Based Early Warning System Training Manual (2010) (American Red Cross, Philippine Red Cross, ADPC, RIMES)
Educational board game that helps children to learn about multi-hazard disaster preparedness and prevention
These documents are designed to equip volunteers with the necessary skills to respond to the National Civil Emergency Response Framework as well as to equip volunteers with skills required to tackle the issues and many challenges faced with Disaster Management. It also helps train and develop volunteers with the capabilities to respond and provide assistance when there is a national disaster response as well as the formation of teams of volunteers who can help and understand the issues and challenges faced during such times.
Manual for CBDRR (in Thai language)
Preparing for Disasters with Mr. Radar is a comic book produced in English and Thai language in order to promote learning among children in Thailand on immediate and long-term climate risks.
Through this comic book, children as part of community are informed to act in preparation for future disasters, and their knowledge will have long-term relevance to contribute to the safety and well-being of their communities. In a wider scale, the animation could help empower the community to take disaster risk reduction, preparedness and resilience actions.

Disaster Risk Reduction


Standard Operating Procedures for Disaster Response Teams  (2007)
Climate Change Adaptation (Information, Education and Communication material in Tetum)
The Strategy for Development of Viet Nam Red Cross Society to 2020 “Changing minds - Raising profile - Protecting lives” identifies the Viet Nam Red Cross’s priorities for developing a strong organisation and providing rapid and effective responses to humanitarian situations in support of poor and vulnerable people throughout the nation.
Mangrove Plantation and Disaster Risk Reduction Phase 2011-2015
Mangroves are easy to plan but much profitable
Evaluating present status and socio-economic effects of mangrove forests in communities
This guide aims to provide a comprehensive guide, for disaster risk reduction in general and particularly for those facilitating vulnerability and capacity assessments (VCA) in the community.

Other resources

There are three phases to “becoming” a well prepared Red Cross or Red Crescent society. IFRC and SEARO have some analysis of our Well Prepared National Societies:

1. National Societies who have completed the Well Prepared National Societies form. These include: Cambodia Red Cross, Cruz Vermelha de Timor-Leste, Lao Red Cross, Myanmar Red Cross, Malaysia Red Crescent, Palang Merah Indonesia, Singapore Red Cross, Thai Red Cross, Viet Nam Red Cross and Philippine Red Cross.
2. A country analysis: Countries include Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Timor-Leste, Viet Nam and Thailand.
3. An example of a country that completed all three phases is the Philippines. Documents from Philippine Red Cross include:

Disaster Risk Reduction online courses available on IFRC Learning Platform are:

  • Introduction to National Society Development

    1 hour

  • Introduction to Governance for Red Cross and Red Crescent Leadership

    1 hour 40 minutes

  • Introduction to Governance and Management

    40 minutes

  • National Societies Statute Revision

    35 minutes

  • Red Cross Red Crescent Movement Partnerships

    4 curriculum

  • Understanding Statutory Contributions – Module 1: The Big Picture

    15 minutes

  • Understanding Statutory Contributions – Module 2: Learn how to complete the Certified Declaration of Income (CDI)

    15 minutes

  • Income Generating Activities

    1 hour

e-mail: Hung Ha Nguyen, Disaster Risk Management Delegate, at


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