Khammouane Province, Laos, 2015 Lao Red Cross staff interview father and farmer Hong, 47, about his experience with floods during a Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction simulation. The exercises and drills focus on disaster preparedness and response at village level, ensuring communities are equipped with skills to activate emergency plans and save lives. Through the simulation project Lao Red Cross and partner French Red Cross, with support from the European Union, are improving safety for vulnerable communities.

Community Engagement and Accountability

Community engagement, formerly known within the Red Cross Red Crescent as ‘beneficiary communication’, is about giving people a voice and empowering them to participate in their own recovery while also using the feedback from communities to improve humanitarian programming. Community engagement is a mix of both new and old technologies, from face-to-face communications and town hall meetings, to crowd mapping and SMS messaging. For more information, visit 

Guiding Documents

A Red Cross Red Crescent Guide to Community Engagement and Accountability (CEA)
This toolkit contains tools that can help National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies – as well as other organizations – to assess, design, implement, monitor and evaluate community engagement and accountability activities in support of programmes and operations. The toolkit should be used in conjunction with our CEA Guide.
This publication presents examples of community engagement and accountability initiatives being implemented by the Movement in both emergency and longer-term contexts. Our work in Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe and the Middle East stands testament to how community engagement and accountability is not only enabling us to better respond to the needs of the communities we serve but also in reducing their vulnerability and in building safer, more resilient communities. For further information, please see
Initial Rapid Assessment: Community Engagement and Accountability Sulawesi Earthquake and Tsunami

Case studies

More resources

Rapid Assessment: Community Engagement and Accountability - Lombok Earthquakes Operation
Reporting on Humanitarian Crises: A Manual for Trainers & Journalists and an Introduction for Humanitarian Workers
Conflict Sensitive Reporting: A Toolbox for Journalists
Reporting Atrocities: A Toolbox for Journalists Covering Violent Conflict and Atrocities
Starting a Local Radio Station: A Manual for Afghanistan
Teaching Radio Journalists to Report on HIV: A Manual for Trainers
