This section contains training materials to increase awareness and knowledge building within National Societies and in the community. Training related with specific sectors as well as general awareness raising of gender and diversity concepts and approaches are included. There are also resources on how to ensure the training itself takes into account and actively ensure the inclusion of gender and diversity. Training’s are comprised of a variety of resources including videos, power points, case studies and group activities.

Joint Action for Prevention and Response to Sexual and Gender-based Violence
Guidelines for Gender Sensitive Training
Sex and Age Disaggregated Data

More documents are organised under the following headings:

Women and Disaster Risk Reduction: A Nepal Case Study
Community-Based Disaster Management - Flood Programme in Bangladesh
Gender Perspectives: A Collection of Case Studies for Training Purposes
Gender and Diversity in Disaster Management ACE Programme 2016
Training Pack: Gender and Diversity Sensitivity
Role Play exercise on Gender and Diversity Vulnerability
Integrating older people: A training of trainers manual for successful mainstreaming of age friendliness in Canadian Red Cross’ programme in Aceh, Indonesia
HIV Prevention, Treatment, Care and Support (A Training Package for Community Volunteers)
PHAST Manual English
Gender Talk Training Pack: Improving gender equality and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) conditions in ethnic minority areas of Northern Vietnam
Ending Violence against Women: A Guide to Working with Volunteers
