
The overall objective of this manual is to provide guidance to organisational staff that work with, or want to work with, volunteers to end violence against women/girls (EVAW/G).

The manual has been designed to equip organisational staff with knowledge and methods to enable them to develop their volunteer programmes, and is divided into five sections.


  • Community volunteers are essential for NGO programmes on GBV because they are the primary means of implementing these organisations’ projects.
  • Volunteers allow NGOs to reach more remote areas, university campuses and other project areas.
  • Most volunteers face continuing challenges, such as lack of support from the community; lack of resources, experience, capacity, safety concerns; and working with the local authorities.
  • Volunteers require additional training, financial and transportation support, and safety and psychosocial support.
  • Volunteers, organisations and survivors of violence are generally satisfied with these programmes: volunteers enjoy the recognition, knowledge, experience and self-growth they gain; organisations appreciate the cost-effectiveness and ability to reach otherwise inaccessible communities; and survivors benefit from the volunteers’ work in their communities.
  • Volunteers’ understanding of gender and gender-based violence is quite limited. Stereotypical gender roles were widely reinforced by all stakeholders.

Usage: Guidance for project implementation, Training

Audiences: Gender and diversity practitioners; Technical staff

Reference: Rudge, V. (2015). Ending Violence against Women: A Guide to Working with Volunteers. Pp.3-75. Available from: http://www2.unwomen.org/~/media/field%20office%20eseasia/docs/publications/2015/03/un-w-volunteer-manual-revised2015.pdf?v=1&d=20150303T020056 [Accessed: 18th July 2016].


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