
This gender training pack is made up of 20 case studies collected for training purposes. The case studies are based on real situations and demonstrate the relevance and benefit of considering gender issues in Red Cross and Red Crescent core activities as defined in Strategy 2010 of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.


The case studies cover the areas of disaster relief, disaster preparedness, health, and the promotion of Red Cross/Red Crescent principles and values. A final group of case studies focus on how to mainstream gender within an organisation. A summary table of all case studies is available on page 15, so facilitators can compare and contrast case studies in order to choose the most suitable one.

Section 4 of the pack contains tools and checklists for gender analysis which can be used to complement the case study section or as a reference for independent reading. The tools and checklists are broadly divided into those that are useful for Red Cross/Red Crescent programming and those that are relevant to national societies, delegations and the Federation Secretariat as well-functioning organisations.

Usage: Training

Audience: Technical staff


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