Regional Disaster Response Team (RDRT) Keeping it alive in the RC/RC Movement in Southeast Asia (2015)


This powerpoint presentation discusses about ensuring that RDRT is reinvigorated as a regional disaster response tool after a period of non-activity in the Southeast Asia.


The document detailed the background and previous deployment, as well as the questions that National Societies have to resolve in order to ensure that RDRT is reactivated and effective as a way forward.

Usage: Guide to implementation

Audience: National Societies


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Regional Disaster Response Team (RDRT) by Arifin M. Hadi (PMI)


The powerpoint presentation is a status and progress report to the annual Regional Community Safety and Resilience Forum in 2015, as compared with the 2014.


As there had been an RDRT deployment in the in Nepal earthquake (2015), the following are some reflections from the RDRT members:

  • It’s important to have a unified chain of command with clear roles and responsibilities – not to have ”too many cooks in the kitchen”. Yet also, it’s important to be flexible and to just get involved and do what’s needed, even if it’s not in your original terms of reference.
  • The difficult moments lie in how to deal with communities when they have so much hope in the Red Cross, that the we can provide them with the assistance they need. From my experiences in local and regional response, one of the things that I take care to remind myself – and the team – is that we must always be clear on our role and limitations before we go to meet the community. This is important because we don’t want them to have expectations we cannot meet.

Usage: Guideline for future deployment

Audience: National Societies


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Regional Disaster Response Team (RDRT) Status in Southeast Asia – Sep 2015


This documents refers to a tool created by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) to enhance regional resources in support of individual National Societies and their emergency response systems through  cross-border  deployments. This first programme is targeted towards experienced and committed volunteers who will then become trainers for subsequent NDRT courses.


The document provides information on Regional Disaster Response Team (RDRT) and disaster response and recovery efforts. IFRC  South  East  Asia  Regional  Delegation  (SEARD)  organized  12  different  RDRT  training  sessions in  the last 15 years and trained 290 people. It assesses RDRT performance from 2005-2015 on development history, standardization of RDRT database, learnt lessons and scenarios to improve, recommendations in terms of mobilization, institutionalization and five proposals for upcoming work.

Usage: Learning from experience

Audience: Technical staff

For related documents, click here RDRT 2012


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