Purpose: The document is aimed to provides data analysis and lessons from experiences in the following SOPs in the period from April 2010 to April 2011 and recommendations for updating as necessary. The main objectives of the SOPs are:

  • to ensure an efficient working process
  • to ensure clarity on the roles and responsibilities of the Federation Secretariat representation with regard to
  • the management of disaster response and early recovery operations
  • the facilitation and coordination of international assistance in support of a National Society engaged in disaster response and early recovery within Asia Pacific.

Overview: This document outlines the standard operating procedures (SoPs) for disaster response and early recovery for the IFRC Secretariat within Asia Pacific zone. The AP SOPs reflect the revised roles and responsibilities of the International Federation Secretariat’s offices in Asia Pacific, based on the Secretariat’s decentralisation process and the outcomes from regional meetings and operational reviews over the past three years. It includes principles and policies, involved parties, tools, the SOP Implementation and SOP Maintenance. Findings and recommendations in two main categories: work process and the roles and responsibilities within that work process.

Usage: Guidance for project implementation

Audience: Technical staff, Volunteers

For related documents, click here Chart: Defining the need for international assistance, size 0.03 MB


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