
To enhance South East Asia National Societies’ (SEA NSs) service delivery by developing and empowering RCRC Youth, through peer-to-peer support nurturing a positive change


– To advance youth engagement for more effective and sustainable humanitarian action, development and resilience by uniting and representing the voices of Southeast Asia Youth.

– To promote a culture of friendship and mutual support to learn and share best practices among the National Societies.


The Southeast Asia Youth Network (SEAYN) is an official platform created and endorsed by the Red Cross Red Crescent leadership of the Southeast Asia National Societies to enable the youth to interact and generate new ideas, concepts, approaches, tools, campaigns and projects in order to advance youth engagement in the region. SEAYN serves to provide a crucial link and opportunities for the SEA Youth to connect and strengthen their Humanitarian Action by sharing best practices with their peers within and beyond the movement at a global scale. It is also a sub-network linked to a region-wide platform, the Asia Pacific Youth Network (APYN), which connects youth leaders from the whole Asia Pacific Region.

SEAYN has a special characteristic as a youth network by ensuring equal participation of National Societies Youth Focal Staff and Youth Leaders/Volunteers. Each SEA National Society supports and commits to SEAYN by nominating one NS Youth Focal staff and one Youth Leader/Volunteer to be SEAYN Members.

The SEAYN Terms of Reference (ToR) was officially endorsed at the Southeast Asia Leadership Meeting held in Singapore in March 2014 (first revision in 2017, second revision in 2020). For the TOR and related documents, please see the links below.

SEAYN Newsletters

Updates on SEAYN Activities

Mariko Hirai

IFRC Regional Youth Coordinator


SEAYN Facebook Page


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