Drought Operation: Unconditional Cash for Food Distribution

On, 19 October 2016, Cruz Vermelha de Timor-Leste (CVTL) conducted cash for food distribution for 2,700 families in Timor-Leste, who have been affected by drought caused by El Nino. A rapid assessment conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF) estimates that at least 120,000 people have been severely affected across five districts (Baucau, Covalima, Lautem, Oecusse and Viqueque), with 45.9 per cent of households across the country likely to experience food insecurity from April to June. Each family received around USD 50 to help them provide basic needs (food and water). The Drought Operation in Timor-Leste will cover 27,500 people (5,500 families) affected by drought, attributed to El Niño, in the districts of Baucau, Lautem and Viqueque with appropriate assistance in a timely, effective, and efficient manner, and support them to recover from the impact of the drought and increase their resilience to future shocks.

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