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On 29 July 2018, a 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck off Lombok in the province of West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. A second, larger earthquake of 7.0 magnitude occurred on 5 August 2018, and was followed by thousands of aftershocks (data from…
Community engagement and accountability (CEA) is critical to respond to immediate needs of the affected population in an emergency. It aims to put communities at the centre of the operation and supports the role the members of affected communities as…
Community engagement and accountability (CEA) is critical to respond to immediate needs of the affected population in an emergency. It aims to put communities at the centre of the operation and supports the role the members of affected communities as…
The case study is extracted from the Building Urban Resilience in Southeast Asia, an ECHO-funded project, which features innovative approaches through public awareness and public education campaigns to enhance community safety and resilience, piloted in Cambodia, Lao PDR, the Philippines…
Purpose: This guideline aims to enhance knowledge and capacity of the volunteers regarding communication with community in implementing disaster emergency response and recover activities. Audience: trained volunteers of government, non-government and other agencies No ratings yet. Rate This! Please rate this…
The document serves as a brief guide for those using social media in humanitarian organizations.
This publication presents examples of community engagement and accountability initiatives being implemented by the Movement in both emergency and longer-term contexts. Our work in Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe and the Middle East stands testament to how community engagement and accountability is not only enabling us to better respond to the needs of the communities we serve but also in reducing their vulnerability and in building safer, more resilient communities. For further information, please see
This book is a compilation of stories on the initiatives and innovation of programs and services of PMI (Indonesian Red Cross), and the significant change that its services have brought about to the empowered beneficiaries, with the following stories: Story…