In September 2014, representatives from Southeast Asia Red Cross and Red Crescent (RCRC) National Societies (NS) gathered in Bangkok as part of the Community Safety and Resilience Forum to enhance their integrated approach for community resilience building and strengthen the regional cooperation among and between members. Participants included Department Heads for Disaster Management, Health and Organizational Development as well as a representative from the ASEAN Humanitarian Assistance (AHA) Centre.

During technical discussions, it was agreed that IFRC, RCRC National Societies and the AHA Centre should continue building on the positive collaboration undertaken so far and explore opportunities for further technical cooperation in the form of a ‘joint action plan’.

This plan was discussed at a subsequent technical meeting held on 8 October 2014 at the AHA Centre (Jakarta, Indonesia), where participants agreed to undertake collaborative efforts for the following activities:

  1. Sharing information
  2. Operational response frameworks
  3. Learning from each other




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