Purpose: The   document   outlines   the   Cambodian   Red   Cross Disaster Management  Departments  (DMD)  strategic  plan  for  the  period 2008-2012, which is aimed to  improve  the  lives  of  vulnerable and disaster affected people by delivering a number of key services to those most in need. DMD outlines five strategic objectives, which provide a realistic foundation on which to base the DMD’s annual programme work and to  conduct  that  work in  a  more  holistic  and  balanced way

Overview: The DMDSP illustrates how, through using the Red Cross network, the DMD will work toward supporting the National  Society’s vision of improving the lives of vulnerable people; and enhance household and community resilience. Major contents includes:

  • Summary, Introduction, Guiding principles on the design of the DMD plan, DMD mission statement and strategic objectives
  • The disaster management work of Cambodian Red Cross
  • Five strategic objectives: consisting Alliance building, Disaster Response Capacity, Resilience Building, Advocacy; Human Resource, Organization and Branch Development.
  • Stakeholders, expected results and conclusion.

Usage: National Society Leadership, Guidance for project implementation

Audience: Technical staff, Human resources, Communication staff, Volunteers

For the Structure of DMD,  click here Structure 2010


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