vc_edit_form_fields_attributes_vc_ Final evaluation report on the Provision of Early Warning Systems (EWS) to Flood Vulnerable Communities in the Lower Mekong River Basin | Resilience Library

Purpose: The document is part of the project titled “Provision of Early Warning Systems (EWS) to Flood Vulnerable Communities in the Lower Mekong River Basin” which is a cooperative framework between US Agency for International Development/Office of the Foreign Disaster Assistance and Mekong River Commission in efforts to address complex flood issues, reduce the vulnerability of communities in Cambodia and Lao PDR. It is aimed to evaluate operations and implementation of the project to find out the impact of the Early Warning Systems (EWS) introduced during the implementation of the project activities and on the sustainability of these within the communities.

Overview: The report outlines evaluation findings and recommendations from learnt lessons during the implementation of the project. It includes 6 chapters:

  • Chapter 1: Purposes and Methodology
  • Chapter 2: Evaluation Findings: consisting problems; goals, activities and indicators; relevance of the project; performance; effectiveness to achieve desired outcomes; efficiency; success proved by eleven facts and observations.
  • Chapter 3: Sustainability: nine factors of strengths, Opportunities and Challenges (six challenges).
  • Chapter 4: Conclusion
  • Chapter 5-6: Lessons learnt (three lessons) and Recommendations (six principal recommendations, seven strategic recommendations and twelve supplementary recommendations)

Usage: Monitoring and evaluation (M&E)

Audience: Technical staff

For “EWS Budget notes 2005”, click here  Budget 2005, file size 0.08 MB, and “Cost estimation, file size 0.4 MB

For “CRC BUDGET PLAN 2007 (January – March)”, click here Budget plan 2007, file size: 3MB.

For “Early Warning Project in the Lower Mekong river basin”, click here EWS project, file size 0.64 MB

For “EWS 2006 Work and Budget Plans”, click here EWS Work&Budget 2006, file size 0.52 MB

For “Key Performance Indicators for Flood Early Warning System”, click here EWS Performance Indicators, file size 0.03 MB


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