
This framework provides a comprehensive approach to reducing risks from all hazards to the education sector. The past decade has brought children’s advocates together:

  • To promote disaster risk reduction (Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015) throughout the education sector along with education for sustainable development (International Decade for Education for Sustainable Development)
  • To assure universal access to quality basic education in a safe environment (Millennium Development Goals, Education for All, Global Partnership for Education, Education First, Global Coalition to Prevent Education from Attack).
  • To incorporate risk reduction into Millennium Development Goals for education. At the core of these child-centered, child-participatory, and evidence-based efforts is the recognition of children’s rights to survival and protection as well as to education and participation.

The purpose of this Comprehensive School Safety Framework is to bring these efforts into a clear and unified focus in order for education sector partners to work more effectively, and to link with similar efforts in all other sectors at the global, regional, national and local levels.


A global framework in support of The Global Alliance for Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience in the Education Sector and The Worldwide Initiative for Safe Schools.


Usage: Guideline for implementation

Target: National Societies


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