Cruz Vermelha de Timor-Leste working towards school safety

This brochure highlights and maps Cruz Vermelha de Timor-Leste activities to support school safety, including the challenges and way forward. The activities are grouped following the three pillars of Comprehensive School Safety.

This document is made available for other ASEAN countries, namely, BruneiCambodiaIndonesiaLaosMalaysiaSingapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.


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Malaysian Red Crescent working towards school safety

This brochure highlights and maps Malaysian Red Crescent Society activities to support school safety, including the challenges and way forward. The activities are grouped following the three pillars of Comprehensive School Safety.

This document is made available for other ASEAN countries, namely, BruneiCambodiaIndonesiaLaosTimor-LesteSingaporeThailand, and Vietnam.


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Brunei Red Crescent Society working towards school safety

This brochure highlights and maps Brunei Red Crescent Society activities to support school safety, including the challenges and way forward. The activities are grouped following the three pillars of Comprehensive School Safety.

This document is made available for other ASEAN countries, namely, CambodiaIndonesiaLaosMalaysia, Myanmar, PhilippinesSingaporeThailand, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam.


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Lao Red Cross Society working towards school safety

This brochure highlights and maps Lao Red Cross Society activities to support school safety, including the challenges and way forward. The activities are grouped following the three pillars of Comprehensive School Safety.

This document is made available for other ASEAN countries, namely, BruneiCambodiaIndonesiaTimor-LesteMalaysia, Myanmar, PhilippinesSingaporeThailand, and Vietnam.


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Singapore Red Cross Society working towards school safety

This brochure highlights and maps Singapore Red Cross Society activities to support school safety, including the challenges and way forward. The activities are grouped following the three pillars of Comprehensive School Safety.

This document is made available for other ASEAN countries, namely, BruneiCambodiaIndonesiaLaosMalaysia, Myanmar, PhilippinesTimor-LesteThailand, and Vietnam.


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Indonesian Red Cross Society: Working towards school safety

This brochure highlights and maps Indonesian Red Cross Society (PMI) activities to support school safety, including the challenges and way forward. The activities are grouped following the three pillars of Comprehensive School Safety.

This document is made available for other ASEAN countries, namely, BruneiCambodiaTimor-LesteLaosMalaysiaSingaporeThailand, and Vietnam.


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Cambodian Red Cross Society: Working towards school safety

This brochure highlights and maps Cambodian Red Cross activities to support school safety, including the challenges and way forward. The activities are grouped following the three pillars of Comprehensive School Safety.

This document is made available for other ASEAN countries, namely, BruneiTimor-LesteIndonesiaLaosMalaysia, Myanmar, PhilippinesSingaporeThailand, and Vietnam.


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ASEAN Safe Schools Initiative: A Compilation of Case Studies

The compilation of case studies showcases the good practices in 6 ASEAN countries in school safety, conducted within ASEAN Safe Schools Initiative (ASSI) programme.
This compilation covers 6 country case studies:
  • Three case studies on Cambodia, Indonesia and Lao PDR showcase ASSI’s good practices and key learnings.
  • Three case studies on Myanmar, Philippines and Thailand showcase good practices, key learnings and enabling environment from various school safety initiatives in the countries including ASSI in Myanmar and Thailand.


Usage: Learning from experience

Audience: Safe school practitioners



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Rollout manual for operationalisation of ASEAN Common Framework for Comprehensive School Safety


The rollout manual primarily aims to assist country focal agencies on school safety (e.g. Ministry of Education and National Disaster Management Office) in translating the conceptual framework into implementable actions through detailed steps to generate the outputs, key actors, and timelines, as well as elaboration on working mechanisms at national and regional level for school safety.

The manual shall be used as a reference for education authorities, government agencies, local authorities with mandates relevant to education and DRR, and who are tasked with planning, implementing, and monitoring school safety-related activities.

The manual also aims to bring all concerned agencies and stakeholders to a uniform understanding of the framework operationalisation, which highlights inter-linked processes within the 15-year timeframe, coinciding with the completion of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR).

With this overall sketch for operationalisation, concerned agencies, potential partners and stakeholders at national, regional and global level shall be in a better position to determine their roles in supporting, facilitating, or coordinating with various activities during operationalisation.


The operationalisation of the ASEAN Common Framework for Comprehensive School Safety entails 4 key activities done in a cyclical process:

  • Activity 1 – Assessing current status, gaps and needs
  • Activity 2 – Setting country priorities and targets
  • Activity 3 – Developing Country Action Plan on school safety
  • Activity 4 – Developing and undertaking progress monitoring and impact evaluation (the results of which will be fed into Activity 1 of the next operationalisation phase/period)


Usage: Guidance for implementation

Audience: School safety practitioners

See alsoASEAN Common Framework for Comprehensive School Safety


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ASEAN Common Framework for Comprehensive School Safety


The ASEAN Common Framework for Comprehensive School Safety is extracted from the global Comprehensive School Safety (CSS) Framework, and it contains details to guide education ministries and National Disaster Management Offices (NDMOs) towards more intensified action on school safety.

Contextualised for ASEAN members to operationalise the global framework, this framework addresses the need for the development of a mechanism to effectively operationalise the CSS framework at the regional, national, and sub-national levels.


The framework aims to achieve the same targets as with the Comprehensive School Safety Framework. To ensure certain uniformity of progress monitoring indicators for school safety, a set of monitoring indicators has been developed, which could serve as minimum standard for countries implementing the Framework, comprising:

  • 6 output indicators to track the impact on school safety at the national using quantifiable data collected at school level
  • 14 input indicators to track school safety interventions and impacts at school level.


In addition to discussing about the school safety in the ASEAN region, the document also discusses about framework, its key elements and the mechanisms of cooperation on the framework at national and regional levels.

Usage: Guidance for implementation

Audience: School safety practitioners

See alsoRollout manual for operationalisation of ASEAN Common Framework for Comprehensive School Safety


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