
This gender manual is designed to help project workers, who are not gender specialists, recognise and address gender issues in their work. The intention is to demystify gender, make the concept and practice of gender mainstreaming accessible to a wide audience, and clarify when to call in specialist help.


  • The four key steps of gender mainstreaming are: 1. Sex disaggregated data and gender analytical information; 2. women as well as men influencing the development agenda; 3. context-specific action to promote gender equality; and 4. organisational capacity building and change.
  • The precise sex disaggregated data and gender analytical information needed depend on the sector and context. There are a number of gender analytical frameworks designed to provide guidance on the kinds of questions that are likely to be applicable. Analytical frameworks can be very helpful but need to be used critically and with care. They should be used to inspire, not to restrict thinking.

Usage: Guidance for project implementation; Training

Audiences: Technical staff; National Society leadership

Reference: Derbyshire, H. (April 2002). Gender Manual: A Practical Guide for Development Policy Makers and Practitioners. Social Development Division, The UK Department for International Development (DFID).  Pp.1-46. Available from: http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/+/http:/www.dfid.gov.uk/Documents/publications/gendermanual.pdf [Accessed: 19th September 2015].


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