Purpose: The social component of the Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change (EACC) study was aimed to produce data, analysis, and advice for the overall EACC study on where the social assessment can help clarify questions of vulnerability, adaptation, and economic costs in order to identify social vulnerability and adaptive capacity in particularly climate-impacted geographic regions of Vietnam and among particularly vulnerable peoples. From this information, participatory scenarios were developed to help guide future adaptation, and to provide cost estimates of these future pathways.

Overview: The project made assessments of adaptive capacity, deficits, and maladaptation based on the past experience of communities with variable climates. Key outputs from the study include:

  • Identification of key socioeconomic and biophysical zones of vulnerability to climate change, and typologies of livelihood profiles of areas and communities that are climate vulnerable.
  • Assessment of the policy and institutional framework for adaptation at the national, regional, and local levels.
  • Local assessment of existing and potential adaptation options and practices.
  • Participatory scenarios of adaptation pathways that might be chosen in the future.

Usage: Learning from experience

Audience:  Technical staff


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