
This workshop report is an output of the Regional Public Awareness and Public Education (PAPE) Workshop that was held on 18-20 October, 2016 in Quezon City, Manila, the Philippines.

The proceeding report was documented by the facilitators team which was composed of the specialist on Behaviour Communication Change in Southeast Asia, Philippine Red Cross – Social Media Officer, Red Cross Climate Centre (RCCC) – Climate Change Specialist, IFRC Community Engagement Officer and IFRC Regional Project Manager – Building Urban Resilience in Southeast Asia Project. Besides, the report is useful for participants who attended the 3-day Training of Trainer Workshop as the expected objectives. All participants were expected to facilitate and roll out the PAPE handbook and tools in their countries i.e. Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia and Lao PDR.


The following are the technical recommendations made during the workshop:

  • A regional refresher training (plus follow up workshop) of the PAPE staff should be conducted to refresh their knowledge, understand the progress and address the issues/challenges of the project during June – July 2017.
  • The cascade training should be monitored and supervised to provide the required support to the facilitators to ensure the quality of the training. At least 3 facilitators should conduct the trickle down training in their concerned countries in the local language.
  • A trickle down training of PAPE should be conducted in all target countries to train the staff/community volunteers in the communication and facilitation skills, PAPE messages to ensure the quality of intervention.
  • The country teams should conduct a formative (qualitative) research (along-with the KAP survey) to understand the community’s existing behaviors, attitude, preferred communication channels in order to develop a well-informed PAPE strategy on urban resilience/DRR.
  • The PAPE (BCC) messages and materials should be revised and/or updated based on the formative research. The stages of change theory should be considered while developing the key messages to better address the stages of change of the target audience.
  • Focused and simple IEC/BCC materials should be developed based on the need of the volunteers and community. Poster, pamphlet and flip chart with consistent messages will be effective to educate the target audiences. No need to develop ten types of materials, it confuses community (less is more).
  • Attractive IEC/BCC materials such as games, story books, fans (with messages) should be developed to increase the interest of the communities in PAPE and also the IEC messages and materials should be develop with the community (in the field) to ensure the ownership and acceptance of the community in PAPE interventions.
  • Caps, T-shirts, bags should be developed to motivate the volunteers on quarterly basis. Only one item per time should be given to volunteers to increase motivation and commitment.
  • Community should be considered as ‘active partners’ and should be actively engaged in the project cycle of PAPE to develop and strengthen their ownership in the project.
  • Regular meeting mechanism with the village volunteers should be developed (on monthly or bi-monthly basis) to follow up on the progress and provide supportive supervision to improve the interventions.

Usage: Guidance for implementation/training

Audience: National Society staff and volunteers


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