
The powerpoint presentation was delivered in ASEAN Centre of Excellence (ACE) Programme in 2015, to the members of National Disaster Management Offices of ASEAN State members. The presentation aims to explain about recovery programming by:

  • Describing the concepts and key strategic issues of recovery.
  • Highlighting recovery examples from Indonesia and discuss other examples in the South East Asia.
  • Presenting tools for developing operational strategies and designing recovery interventions.


The presentation features IFRC’s approach in recovery, namely:

  • Participation of disaster-affected women, men, girls and boys, who have a right to determine their own future.
  • Inclusive participation with equal involvement of members of the community regardless of age, sex, ethnicity & wealth.
  • Being accountable to the affected communities, ensuring that affected populations can influence and participate in decision making concerning the operation.
  • Doing no harm either socially, economically or environmentally.
  • Being timely and starting early to support and complement relief activities whenever possible.


Usage: Guidance for implementation

Audience: National Society staffs

See alsoIFRC Recovery Programming Guidance 2012


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