
This strategy document voices the collective determination of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) to tackle the major challenges that will confront humanity in the next decade.

It consolidates previous policies and strategies, and updates core concepts to guide National Societies in formulating their own mission statements and strategic plans to meet the specific needs and vulnerabilities that concern them. It guides the secretariat in setting its operational priorities in support of national societies. It is also the basis for updating, harmonising and developing new implementation tools and cooperation frameworks.


  • Chapter 1 describes the IFRC and highlights its mandate and comparative advantages. It reflects on the experiences and lessons of Strategy 2010, projects global trends and presents its vision.
  • Chapter 2 sets out what the IFRC does to help vulnerable people and how it tackles the underlying causes of their vulnerability through three strategic aims: (1) Save lives, protect livelihoods, and strengthen recovery from disasters and crises; (2) Enable healthy and safe living; and (3) Promote social inclusion and a culture of non-violence and peace.
  • Chapter 3 describes how the IFRC works to deliver this strategy through three enabling actions, each of which is associated with specific impacts.

Usage: Policy guidance

Audiences: National society leadership; Technical staff, Communication staff, Human Resources, Gender and diversity practitioners; Volunteers


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