vc_edit_form_fields_attributes_vc_ Evaluating present status and socio-economic effects of mangrove forests in communities | Resilience Library

Purpose: This evaluation report is aimed to provide data and analysis to be used by local governments as a basis for evaluation of the tangible values of mangroves in localities, and therefore, enhance communication activities among community members for mangroves to be protected and sustainable development.

Overview: This report presents additional evaluation findings on the present status of mangroves in communes/wards of Tan Thanh, Bang La and Dai Hop and socio-economic effects of mangroves on local communities in the project area. Study results show that the planted mangrove area in the 3 communes/wards of the study site has been rationally cared and protected, leading to a well developed forest stretch that helps bring about considerable livelihood sources for local communities.

Usage: Monitoring and Evaluation

Audience: Technical staff


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