
This suggested performance framework aims to help National Societies translate longer-term national disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA) strategies into a logical planning framework. Depending on the specific context this can be considered/named a “plan” or a “programme,” so long as consistent descriptions are used within a National Society’s overall strategic planning, ensuring a logical hierarchy between plans, projects and programmes. This guidance document intentionally mirrors certain components of a logical framework matrix (“logframe”) for ease of application to the logframe development process.


The programme/plan supports IFRC Strategy 2020, Framework for Community Safety and Resilience, Global Alliance for Disaster Risk Reduction, the Hyogo Framework for Action. It focuses on key indicators including: Number of people reached (directly and indirectly) and covered by DRR/CCA programming, Number of communities reached by DRR/CCA programming, CHF expenditure on DRR/CCA programming, Number of branches carrying out DRR/CCA activities, Number of community-based DRR/CCA programmes/projects

Usage: Policy development, Guidance for project implementation

Audience: National Society leadership, Technical staff, Communication staff


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