Situation and Gender Analysis for a Disaster Context

Purpose: This tool is intended for use immediately after we arrive in a new disaster context. The purpose is to help direct the initial information gathering that will help us understand the given context. It is not intended as a needs assessment tool. A separate needs assessment has to take place. It can however, together with the needs assessment help us to decide on the appropriate disaster response


Usage: Guidance for project implementation

Audiences: Technical staff, Gender and diversity practitioners, Volunteers


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Ten steps to creating safe environments: How organisations and communities can prevent, mitigate and respond to interpersonal violence


This document is a resource for organisations and communities to help in the development, implementation and monitoring of concrete actions to prevent, reduce, mitigate and respond to interpersonal violence—physical, sexual, emotional and neglect.


  • The ten steps are: 1. Understand the problem; 2. Recognise people’s vulnerability and resilience; 3. Define protection instruments; 4. Create a prevention team; 5. Complete a risk assessment; 6. Develop policies and procedures; 7. Educate adults, youth and children; 8. Respond to disclosures of violence; 9. Meet the challenges; and 10. Maintain safe environments.
  • Definitions of Gender-Based Violence can be found on page 15 and page 22 highlights the importance of gender inequality as a key risk factor for violence.
  • Power, when it is misused is a key root cause or social determinant of violence. The relationship between power dynamics and gender is described on page 23. Inequality, harmful attitudes about gender, control, and misuse of power can combine to heighten the risk of gender-based violence. Sample statistics on gender-based violence can be found on page 28.
  • Protection instruments for the safety of women and girls such as the UN Convention on Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) are listed on page 36.
  • A gender analysis is vital for any risk assessment and should focus on men, women, girls and boys. An overview of a gender analysis is provided on page 45.

Usage: Guidance for project implementation

Audiences: Technical staff; Gender and diversity practitioners

Reference: Fairholm, J., Sing, G. (2011). Ten steps to creating safe environments: How organisations and communities can prevent, mitigate and respond to interpersonal violence. Canadian Red Cross. Pp. 2-99. Available from: [Accessed: 18th July 2016].


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A Pocket Guide to Gender and Diversity in Emergencies – Quality, Impact and Accountability


This pocket guide covers issues such as the basics of gender and diversity analysis, rapid gender and diversity assessment – the triple ‘A’ approach, gender-based violence, and the roles and responsibilities of different groups of people, ranging from the president and board members (national and branch level) to staff and volunteers. It also looks at the provision of shelter and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in emergency situations.


  • Disasters affect people from all walks of life. Often (in the early phase of an emergency) we name a number of “people” affected. But “people” comprise men, women, boys and girls. In order to implement a good quality, accountable emergency response – we must all have a basic understanding of who is affected and why.
  • The triple A approach looks at the assessment team; asking who, what and how; and analysing findings rapidly.

Usage: Guidance for project implementation

Audiences: Volunteers

Reference: International Federation of Red Cross Red Crescent Societies & The Vanuatu Red Cross Society. A pocket guide to gender and diversity in emergencies: Quality, impact and accountability. Pp.1-8.


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