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2nd SEA RCRC Youth Forum 2023 l 17 – 20 September 2023 l Phnom Penh, Cambodia l Hosted by Cambodian Red Cross & IFRC
17 September , 2023 - 20 September , 2023
Youth is the backbone of a country. They play pivotal roles for sustainable national development, peace, unity, solidarity, and prosperity. Education, hand-on working experiences, continued capacity building, and leadership in their respective positions are key for youths’ participation in sustainable and inclusive socio-economic development. Having considered the essential roles of youth, the 2nd SEA RCRC Youth Forum aims to achieve the following objectives:
- To provide opportunities for youths to receive trainings and hand-on experiences in leadership and effective communication including, but not limited to, public speaking, project pitching, negotiation and persuasion, and team management.
- To engage in the discussion in identifying current challenges for the SEA RCRC Movement and the root causes by revisiting 2022 youth statement, SWOT, 5why, and problem tree, based on the different themes including Education, Health Care, Disasters and Climate Change, First Aid, Road Safety, School Safety, and Humanitarian Innovation.
- To propose possible solutions to the 2023 SEA RCRC challenges.
- To identify and highlight the roles of youths in contributing to the future of Red Cross Red Crescent / Humanitarian Innovation.
- To put knowledge and skills into practices through the development of the joint statement to be presented in one of the Dialogue Sessions of 20th SEA RCRC Leaders Meeting and social media content creation; and
- To have hand-on experiences in Climate Response action (tree plantation) at the Cambodia Buddhist Cultural Centre located in Kirirom National Park, and a visit to Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum to learn about the atrocity of Khmer Rouge and Cambodia’s recent unfortunate history and the efforts for national reconciliation and rehabilitation, which has brought Cambodia to the current state of peace and development.
Expected Outputs
By the end of this forum, the followings are expected:
- 3 days training and one day field tree planting/Humanitarian field trip and hand-on experiences are provided to SEA youths.
- A list of Current challenges for the SEA RCRC Movement are identified based on different themes highlighted in the objectives.
- Solutions and Prototypes to address the 2023 SEA RCRC challenges are proposed.
- Social media contents for each thematic theme to be used for each National Society are created and widely shared.
- Key roles of youths in contributing to the future of Red Cross Red Crescent / Humanitarian Innovation are identified.
- 2nd SEA RCRC Youth Forum Joint Statement and Commitment (reflect and adapt from Bandar Seri Begawan Youth Forum Statement) with concrete follow up plan for each National Society is developed and presented at the 20th SEA RCRC Leaders Meeting.
- Hand-on experiences in climate response activity of the Cambodia’s unfortunate recent history of Khmer Rouge genocide are provided to youths.
- Climate action event for the local community and reflection sharing/ presentation from the participants from Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum are presented; and
- Round Table discussion between Youth Delegates and SEA NS Leaders on the topic of “Youth contribution for the future of Red Cross Red Crescent / Humanitarian Innovation” is organized.
Expected Outcomes:
- Capacity of youths in leadership and effective communication including public speaking, project pitching, negotiation and persuasion, and team management is built.
- The pivotal roles of youths are promoted more widely to multi-stakeholders and the public via social media contents.
- Improved youths’ engagement in the discussions on their contributions to Red Cross Red Crescent/Humanitarian Innovation through the development of joint statement, identification of challenges and proposed solutions, and their roles.
- Better understanding and more active participation in climate response and environmental protection.
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