Purpose: The booklet is aimed to provide basic knowledge  and experiences in preparation and response to dengue fever. This document can be used in training courses and communication activities to help technical staff, facilitators, volunteers at all levels in their activities to prevent dengue fever, protect living environment and reduce risks and bad impacts on climate change on personal health and daily lives.

Overview: This material covers information on dengue prevention and climate change. It consists of there parts:

  • Basic information about dengue fever: describing contextual background of dengue fever in the world and in Vietnam, its definition, types and symptoms, transmission routes and prevention measures.
  • Basic information about climate change: describing definition, causes and climate change phenomena, the causal link with dengue fever.
  • Communication on health education, mobilize public awareness of dengue fever prevention: introducing to health communication, how to mobilize public awareness, different forms of health communication.

Usage: Training

Audience: Communication staff, Volunteers

* the document is in Vietnamese language


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