Purpose: The forum is aimed to share insight knowledge, valuable skills and best practices to the Movements and popular participants. It  also provides concrete and practical tools for social media.

Overview: Based on these considerations, and building on the 2014 ‘Beijing Call for Innovation, the outcomes of the 2nd Asia Pacific Youth Summit, and the 2015 Red Cross Red Crescent Social Media Summit, the Seoul commitments announced seven commitments and call to leaders within the Movements for four recommendations including: (i) the integration and mainstreaming of digital technology and social media into National Societies’ activities; (ii) Lead by example and promote social media adoption and engagement; (iii) partnerships with private-sector, governments and other humanitarian organisations to enhance digital/social media engagement in humanitarian and development programmes; (iii) increasing the engagement of Movement leaders and technical experts on social media platforms.

Usage: Policy development

Audience: National Society leadership, Communication staff


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