The Asia Pacific Coalition for School Safety (APCSS) was established on 19th Sep 2012. The shared framework for understanding and acting to bring about Comprehensive School Safety, including the “3 pillars”; 1. Safe Learning Facilities, 2. School Disaster Management and 3. Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience Education) founded on multi-hazard and child-centered risk assessment, education sector analysis, and alignment of education and disaster managment sector policies ands plans. The members of APCSS are Plan International, Save the Children, World Vision, UNICEF, UNESCO, IFRC, ADPC and UNISDR

Purpose and overview:

The strategy paper outlines Asia Pacific Coalition for School Safety (APCSS) for 2016 to 2018. It sets out APCSS’:

  • Strategic goals and indicators
  • Strategic focus areas
  • Resources mobilization
  • Coordination
  • Action plans

Usage: Guidance to implementation

Audience: Partners


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