IFRC and participating National Societies produced Community Voices videos to bring community voice to the forefront. Click each of the picture below to view the related videos. See also the report of the celebration led by Southeast Asian National Societies.

Regional level



In Timor Leste, the Government at a national and local level were strongly involved in IDDR Day celebration. The key messages about the importance of Disaster Risk Reduction were spread throughout the country before, during and after the event using various communication channels. Fifty banners showing what actions need to do in certain disasters were distributed to 25 villages across Timor. Media coverages included a press release published in the Timor Post newspaper, reports from RTM (Radio e Televizaun Maubere) and the National Television and radio (RTTL). Furthermore, Cruz Vermelha de Timor-Leste (CVTL) in collaboration with GMN (Grupo Media Nasional) TV produced and broadcasted a television spot featuring Ex-President of Timor-Leste – Dr. José Ramos Horta. In addition, drill simulation exercise on the awareness of various hazard and disaster risk types, roles and responsibilities were also organized in Aileu municipality.

In Lao PDR, two activities were featured to celebrate the IDDR day. The first activity was the IDDR Day Television Talk Show, which was hosted by two well-known television announcers and broadcasted on the Lao National Television channel. Four key stakeholders including the Ministry of Social Welfare, OXFAM, Weather Forecast Bureau and Lao Red Cross were invited to discuss about their roles and works in disaster risk reduction. Two media outlets from Vientiane Times and Lao Phatthana newspapers reported about the event. The second activity was the Radio Q&A programme which aimed to target the public to raise their awareness on the IDDR day as well as disseminate the knowledge related to disasters and resilience issues. The programme was on air daily to the nationwide from 25 September until 19 October through the national radio.
