As part of the project “Building urban resilience in South East Asia”, funded by European Union humanitarian aid and coordinated by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), the German Red Cross (GRC) and the Vietnam Red Cross (VNRC) have taken the lead in the development of this new methodology. Being improved from the participatory risk mapping method developed by GRC2, the new methodology has been then piloted in three countries (Cambodia, Philippines and Viet Nam) by the Red Cross National Societies with the support of their Partner National Societies (Finnish Red Cross, German RedCross, Spanish Red Cross).

With this new methodology using Quantum Geographic Information System, QGIS multi-hazard risks maps have been developed in nineteen urban areas and tested through simulation exercises. Those maps are easy to understand to local authorities and people; they provide geo-referenced information on hazard risks and vulnerability with attention to the most at risk groups; they provide information on ward capacity in DRM including early warning coverage, evacuation sites and routes; and they can be updated by local staff with limited GIS mapping capacity.
The new methodology aims to be used by local government authorities and local Red Cross and is described in two documents, which are logically linked together. The documents provide guidance on the development of multi-hazard risk maps in urban and peri-urban contexts using Quantum Geographical Information System (QGIS). The documents are designed in a way that they can be used as training materials.

Module 1: Methodology Guidelines and Training Materials 
The contents of this module will provide DRR practitioners a step-by-step approach for developing, updating and using multi-hazard risk maps for Disaster Risk Reduction in urban context, and basic knowledge in QGIS (concepts, purposes of using QGIS in for developing multi-hazard risk map).

Main parts of Module 1:
o Overview of the methodology
o Phase 1. Develop base maps for multi-hazard risk mapping
o Phase 2. Participatory data collection and consolidation
o Phase 3. Develop and verify the multi-hazard risk map with stakeholder participation
o Phase 4. Share and update maps annually
o Phase 5. Use multi-hazard risk maps for disaster risk reduction

Module 2: Technical Instructions on the use of QGIS for the development and updating of multi-hazard risk maps
The contents of the Module 2 will provide DRR practitioners the detailed instructions for using QGIS for the development and update of multi-hazard risk maps

Main parts of Module 2:
o Part 1: Installation of QGIS software and administrative boundary identification of the mapping areas.
o Part 2: Using of QGIS for the development of multi-hazard risk maps at urban areas.

o Part 3: Updating information and data using the QGIS
o Part 4: Collection of information and data on field with GPS, smartphone and updating the risk map using the QGIS.

To illustrate the different steps for the development and update of multi-hazard risk maps at local level using QGIS, this guideline and training material provide examples in the context of Vietnam. Specifically, cities in this context are divided administratively in two levels: ward and hamlet (at each city there will be wards, under which will be hamlets). Generally in South East Asia, DRR related activities at the lower government level (such as ward and hamlet in Vietnam) are supported by dedicated staff (or group of staff) but with limited capacity. Despite this limitation, through the experience gained during the piloting of this methodology in Vietnam, Philippines and Laos it has been demonstrated that mapping can be done (and have been done) by local government staff if they have been clearly tasked by their leaders for this role. In this guideline, those dedicated local government staff in charge of mapping will be referred as Technical Support Group or TSGs.

See also:



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