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ASEAN Regional Forum Disaster Relief Exercise (ARF DiREx) 2015 | 24 -28 May 2015 | Kedah and Perlis, Malaysia

24 May , 2015 8:00 am - 28 May , 2015 5:00 pm UTC+7

ARF DiREx 2015 was co-organized by the Governments of Malaysia and China. More than 25 ARF Member states participated in the simulation exercise, in addition to international humanitarian organizations, such as the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement partners, UNOCHA and representatives for the NGO sector. More information on the 2015 DiREx can be found at http://arfdirex2015.my/.

More than 25 ARF Member states participated in the simulation exercise, in addition to international humanitarian organisations, such as the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement partners, OCHA and representatives for the NGO sector.

As in other years, the ARF DiREx 2015 consisted of three (3) main components:

  • the Table Top Exercise (TTX),
  • the Field Training Exercise (FTX) and
  • the After Action Review (AAR).


IFRC general objectives:

  • Enhance the knowledge and understanding of IFRC (NS and Secretariat) on the concept of Civil-Military relations while disseminating our role and position to external actors.
  • Allow national societies to practice response operations in an multi country country/international setting.
  • Establish relationships with key partners.


Movement roles during the 2015 DiREx (see the Programme)

  • Malaysia Red Crescent (MRCS) were  involved in both the TTX and FTX. There were 134  MRCS participants consisting of  volunteers from Kedah, Perlis and Kuantan  and 41 staff from headquarters.  8 vehicles were used to transport all the equipment such as the water treatment unit.
  • Southeast Asia Regional Disaster Response Team will be involved in the TTX: A Regional Disaster Response Team ( RDRT) from across South East Asia will be deployed to support the MRCS in WatSan. RDRT members are composed of members from Thai Red Cross, Lao Red Cross and PMI.
  • IFRC Secretariat were involved across the three components of the exercise ( TTX, FTX and AAR): IFRC supported the MRCS and regional RDRT in the FTX as well as supporting the MRCS in its role during the TTX. It has also been given in an opportunity to be part of the experts session and presented on “Humanitarian Action and Disasters: Legal and Policy Frameworks”.  A member of the IFRC team was involved in the After Action Review (AAR).
  • International Committee of the Red Cross ( ICRC) was involved across the three components of the exercise (TTX, FTX and AAR). During the FTX, ICRC supported MRCS with RFL and will also have a role in TTX and the ARR.


See also:



24 May , 2015 8:00 am UTC+7
28 May , 2015 5:00 pm UTC+7
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