This was the first training in 2018 (1/2018) conducted for Grab taxi drivers  and Grab Bangkok staff.  There were 12 Grab taxi drivers participating in the six-hour basic first aid training.  There were six key topics focusing on both technical and practical sessions related to standard basic first aid including: basic first aid procedures; bandaging hands, feet, and head; arms sling; treatment of choking, stroke, and heart diseases; cardiopulmonary resuscitation; and referral and transportation to hospital. The training was facilitated by three first aid instructors/ specialists from the First Aid Training Centre, Thai Red Cross Head Quarter.  All the participants received certificates after completion of the training.

In 2017, Grab Thailand promoted “Basic First Aid” for GRAB taxi drivers with the technical support from the Thai Red Cross and IFRC CCST Bangkok.  For more information, please contact Mr. Worawat Thiensuwan GRAB Thailand Coordinator, email:; and Dr. Pornsak Khortwong, IFRC Health Officer, email:




